
Friday, January 13, 2017

Martin Luther King Jr. Craft

Martin Luther King Craft: Create a craft this Martin Luther King Jr. Day with this I Have a Dream Wreath. Students will choose a hand pattern that includes I Have a Dream as the writing prompt. 

Martin Luther King Jr Craft

There are four Martin Luther King writing patterns to choose from including a blank hand, a hand with a picture box, a hand with two lines, and a hand with three lines.

Martin Luther King Jr activities for kindergarten

Students will write what their dream is on the hands. Then cut out the hands and place them around the Martin Luther King I Have a Dream wreath middle. You can also choose other wreath middles with the words equality, justice, or freedom or use the image with the Earth and a dove on it. 

MLK crafts

All wreath image middles come in color and black and white. This is a simple craft for Martin Luther King Day that also includes Martin Luther King writing as a Martin Luther King day activity. You can also use the wreath and the wreath middles as a Martin Luther King Day bulletin board. You can find this craft {HERE}.

Here's another idea. MLK Day Art Pages: Use the art pages in this Martin Luther King Jr. Day printable craft to create four different MLK day coloring pages. The set includes one Martin Luther King Day collage page and three MLK Day Pop Art pages where the students will color different sections of the words I Have a Dream, a Dove, and the World surrounded by hands. It is available {HERE}.
MLK day art