
Monday, May 22, 2017

Preschool Graduation Diplomas and Pre-K End of Year Memory Book for Preschool Graduation

It's the time of the year to get ready for preschool graduation. I like starting on Pre-K End of Year Memory Books now. I've created just the thing to help you have a super Pre-K graduation and let your students create a preschool graduation keepsake. Check out my Pre-K End-of-Year Memory Book, Preschool Graduation Diplomas, and Pre-K Graduation Invitations. {Click here}

pre-k graduation diplomas

preschool memory book

I worked really hard to make this end of the year book fun and a learning tool. I love to integrate fun! There are several options to choose from (over 25 pages) that let your students draw their response or write and draw about their response. I've even added three special pages that add a fingerprint craft, a butterfly footprint craft, and a hand print. These will be great preschool keepsakes.
preschool graduation package

 Check out how these turned out. I really wanted to add the fingerprints and I thought the butterfly footprint craft and the ant fingerprint craft worked well. (These say Kindergarten, but the Pre-K version includes the word Pre-K.)

Check it out {HERE}.

Thanks for checking this out. This is a new item that I have posted at a special introductory price. Please follow my blog to keep up with my latest products and sales.

Kindergarten Graduation Diplomas and Kindergarten Memory Book

It's the end of the school year and we're all counting down the days. I have created just the thing to help you reinforce the Common Core Standards and let your students create a kindergarten graduation keepsake. Check out my Kindergarten End-of-Year Memory Book, Kindergarten Graduation Diplomas, and Kindergarten Graduation Invitations. {Click here}

kindergarten diploma
kindergarten diploma
I worked really hard to make this end of the year book fun and a learning tool. I love to integrate fun! There are several options to choose from (over 25 pages) that let your students draw their response or write and draw about their response. I've even added three special pages that add a fingerprint craft, a butterfly footprint craft, and a hand print. These will be great keepsakes.
end-of-year book

 Check out how these turned out. I really wanted to add the fingerprints and I thought the butterfly footprint craft and the ant fingerprint craft worked well.

This packet even meets the following Common Core Standards:

It also meets these Essential Science and Social Studies Standards
K.E.1.3 (seasons)
K.G.1.1 (maps)
K.C.&G.1.1 (fair play and friends)
K.C.&G.1.2 (rules)

Check it out {HERE}.