This week, I'm going buggy and featuring posts that help children learn about insects and insect life cycles. Be sure to check out my last post on ladybug learning in the classroom {HERE}. I've also created two insect life cycle units for classroom or homeschool use too. Click {HERE} to read about my life cycle of a butterfly unit and click {HERE} to read about my life cycle of a ladybug unit.
I'm featuring three bloggers who linked up to the Kid's Co-op last week. I chose these three because each one shared a creative way to teach students about insects and integrate FUN!
Be sure to visit these great blogs.
Visit Moon Sprig to learn how to create this cute little life cycle of the butterfly.
Then at, Think Magnet you'll find ideas for creating caterpillar art for early childhood kiddos.
Finally, at Z is for Zel, you'll find these cute coffee filter butterflies. This is a super butterfly craft for kids.
Just add your link below and if you link up, add this Kid's Co-op badge to your site to show your support. I'll be looking for more classroom inspiration next week and I hope to feature you. Thanks! Remember that I'm on the lookout for writing ideas next week--even early writing skills for kids.

Enjoy and thanks for joining the "school" at Sweet Tea Classroom!
Thanks for the feature!